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The Ethical Case Manager Making a Difference

BY KATHLEEN FRASER, MSN, MHA, RN-BC, CCM, CRRN “Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne Ethics are moral principles that guide a person’s behavior. All decisions have an ethical or moral dimension for a simple reason: They have an effect on others. In case management, ethical behavior exists to […]

Mental Health Advocacy

BY JOSE ALEJANDRO, PhD, RN-BC, MBA, CCM, ACM, FACHE, FAAN Traditionally, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. However, as case managers, we know the importance of recognizing how the mental and emotional well-being of our patients and the clients we serve significantly impacts their ability to maintain a healthy and balanced life year-round. Comprehensive case […]

Celebrating Success

BY JOSE ALEJANDRO, PhD, RN-BC, MBA, CCM, FACHE, FAAN Have you ever had one of those days where everything went right? We all seem to have a unique ability to recognize and talk about what is not going well, but how much time do we devote to celebrating success? Isn’t it more important and uplifting […]